Home ECPR General Conference 2023
ECPR General Conference 2023
Discover panels and presentations by LEGITIMULT researchers during the ECPR – European Consortium for Political Research General Conference 4 – 8 September 2023) which was held in Charles University, Prague:
– How multilevel governance structures and crisis mitigating measures impact political trust: a systematic literature review presented by Jakob Frateur (Universiteit Antwerpen) with the followings authors Susana Coroado, Patricia Popelier and Peter Bursens
– Legitimate crisis governance in a multilevel context by Peter Bursens (Universiteit Antwerpen)
– Intergovernmental Relations During Crises: Self-rule and Shared rule of Local and Regional Governments During the Covid-19 Crisis in 31 European Countries by Bilal Hassan and Arjan H, Schakel (Universitetet i Bergen)
– Multilevel coordination and legitimacy of social, economic and fiscal crisis management by Marius Guderjan and Johanna Schnabel
(Freie Universität Berlin), WP and Mario Kölling (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia – UNED, Madrid)