Economic Sustainability


Explanation and analysis of the impact of multilevel governance on economic and fiscal measures during the Covid-19 pandemic and the political legitimacy of these measures.


How has multilevel governance shaped the impact of economic and fiscal measures on political legitimacy?


During the Covid-19 crisis, governments have taken a range of fiscal and economic measures such as subsidies, transfers, tax deferrals, tax cuts and cash payments. These measures have challenged the economic sustainability in multilevel governance systems, namely the trade-off between current and future consumption. WP6 collects a dataset on economic and fiscal measures at the subnational and national in 31 European countries and at the EU and international level. It then explores the impact of multilevel governance and other explanatory factors of the political legitimacy of these measures relying on different quantitative methods. Based on the results of these analyses, WP6 provides recommendations on how to foster economic sustainability in crisis
governance and its legitimacy.

Contacts for this WP

The Department of Political Science from the National Distance Education University, Spain, is
responsible for this WP.


Contact person

Mario Kölling





Institutions involved



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