Resilient Federalism: Democratic Innovations for Crisis Management

LEGITIMULT researchers have presented their work at the International Conference on “Resilient Federalism: Democratic Innovations for Crisis Management” (06-09 December 2022) organized by the Project « Resilient Federalism in Crisis Times » which took place in India. Soeren Keil (Institute of Federalism, University of Fribourg) from WP 3 and Arjan Schakel Switzerland (University of Bergen, Norway) from WP 1 have presented a paper intitled « Legitimate Crisis Management in Multilevel Systems – Evidence from European Democracies ». Johanna Schnabel (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany) from WP 6 has presented her work on « Intergovernmental councils and crisis management: coordinating responses to COVID-19 in federal states ».

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