EGPA 2024 Conference

Dr. Lars Brummel recently spoke at the annual conference of the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) in Athens, where he shared findings from the LEGITIMULT project.
IACFS Annual Conference 2024

Jakob Frateur, researcher for WP#5 on Trust, participated in the annual conference of the International Association of Centers for Federal Studies.
IPSA 75th Anniversary Conference

Jakob Frateur from WP#5 on Crisis, Governance and Trust presented at IPSA conference results from a survey evaluating the trust of citizens in various levels of government to take measure during the pandemic and to decision acceptance.
ICON-S BENELUX Chapter Inaugural Conference

The newly founded ICON-S Benelux Chapter organized its inaugural Conference on 26-27 October 2023.

Crisis, Governance and Trust np_download_2176275_000000 Downloadthe work package GOAL Explanation and analysis of the impact of governments’ Covid-19 measures at different levels on citizens’ trust in governments. question How did Covid-19 measures impact citizens’ trust towards their government(s)? DESCRIPTION Public trust in the government is an important element of democratic legitimacy. WP5 analyses how […]