ECPR General Conference 2023

Participation in the ECPR (European Consortium for Political Research General Conference) 2023
4 – 8 September, Charles University.

Biennial Conference of the Standing Group on Regulatory Governance

Jakob Frateur and Susana Coroado (University of Antwerp) from WP 5 offered presentations on « How multilevel governance structures and crisis mitigating measures impact political trust: a systematic literature review » and on « Conceptual challenges in turbulent times: crisis governance, legitimacy and trust » during the Biennial Conference of the Standing Group on Regulatory Governance – Regulatory governance in times of turbulence, disruptive technologies and crises of trust (12 – 14 July 2023, University of Antwerp).

Resilient Federalism: Democratic Innovations for Crisis Management

LEGITIMULT researchers have presented their work at the International Conference on
“Resilient Federalism: Democratic Innovations for Crisis Management” (06-09 December 2022) organized by the Project « Resilient Federalism in Crisis Times » which took place in India.

Introducing LEGITIMULT – Webinar

On the 5th of June 2023, from 15.00 to 16.00 (CEST), LEGITIMULT researchers will present the project and the respective Work Packages in a webinar open to the public.

Bergen meeting

The 11 consortium partners have met in Bergen, Norway on the 11th-12th of May 2023. Each partner has presented the developments and achievements of their respective Work Packages.

Kick-off meeting

The LEGITIMULT project has been officially launched in Bolzano/Bozen on 17 October 2022. The kick-off meeting was hosted by Eurac Research, the administrative coordinator of the project. More than
30 people from all over Europe met for the first time face to face to discuss the implementation of
the project. The meeting focused on the organization of the project as a whole, the work of the different work packages and cooperation and coordination amongst the partners.

Would you like to learn how to approach crisis management in a legitimate and effective way?

Join our upcoming e-learning course, soon available in English, French, Croatian, Italian, German, and Spanish.